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HomeExamination Procedure

Examination Procedure

A comprehensive examination will be administered in an effort to assure that those who successfully pass it will be a credit to the profession and fully capable of functioning as toxicologists in any area with dignity, respect, and wisdom.

The examination will be given only to those who have satisfied all the requirements of the Examination Prerequisites on the Exam Application page. 

Examination Procedure

The qualifying examination consists of 4 sections (see below) and is administered electronically (i.e. by computer) in a designated location. The computer must have a webcam and microphone.

All exam takers will be required to sign an Agreement of Confidentiality and Nondisclosure prior to taking the exam. Additionally, if the candidate is taking the examination without a proctor present, they will be required to scan the room they are taking the exam in at the beginning of each section.

ABVT utilizes the Modified Angoff approach for examination scoring. Each item in the question bank is independently scored by a group of subject matter experts. The group then meets to discuss any items that have discrepant scores. During the discussion, the experts may choose to change their scores. The final cut score for each item is the mean of the experts’ scores. The final cut score for each exam section is the mean of the cut scores for the items included in that section. The cut scores for the exam sections change each year as they are dependent on which items are included on the exam.  A passing score for each section is considered to be one standard error of the mean (SEM) below the cut score for all sections.  This process may change from year to year.  Current processes will be sent to each candidate every year.

Results for each section taken will be reported to the candidate as pass/fail. It is the policy of the ABVT not to share actual scores achieved on any section that the candidate has taken.

If the candidate passes one or more of the examination sections, the candidate may be reexamined in the following year(s) in the remaining sections not passed as long as it is within the time frame established by the ABVT.

Examination Date & Time

The ABVT Certification Exam will be held on Sunday, June 15, 2025.

Examination Topics

A comprehensive examination will be given to demonstrate the fitness and ability of the candidate to practice the specialty of veterinary toxicology. Candidates will be examined for knowledge within the broad discipline of veterinary toxicology including but not necessarily limited to the following:
  1. the concept of toxicology, its usefulness, definitions, and philosophies;
  2. dosage-response relationships;
  3. metabolism and detoxification;
  4. toxicology of inorganic compounds;
  5. toxicology of synthetic organic compounds;
  6. toxicology of plant poisons and biotoxins;
  7. toxicology of radiation and radiomimetic compounds;
  8. residues and residual effects of chemicals and radiation in foods;
  9. testing for safety, including experimental design and interpretation;
  10. antidotal procedures and;
  11. environmental toxicology - industrial, water, and air contamination.

The examination is arranged into the following categories in four (4) test sections:

Section I.
  1. Toxic Plants
  2. Biotoxins
  3. Drugs and Feed Additive
Section II.
  1. Concepts
  2. Definitions
  3. Dose Response
  4. Metabolism
  5. Safety Testing
Section III.
  1. Inorganic Compounds
  2. Organic Compounds
  3. Radiation
  4. Environmental Residues
Section IV.
  1. Clinical and Diagnostic Toxicology
  2. Antidotal Procedures

Exam Preparation

For those taking the exam, you will be contacted by the Exam Committee Chair and Candidate Coordinator with specifics about the exam. Review the 2025 ABVT Exam Reading List.